Friday, June 20, 2008

Crohn's and Colitis Foundation

My sister Rachelle is training hard for a half marathon on July 20th to raise money for Crohn's research. As some of you know, Rachelle was diagnosed with Crohn's disease last fall while living in Louisiana. This is the same disease that our father has. Crohn's disease is an immune disorder that has no cure and the cause is still very unknown. The symptoms of Crohn's include persistent diarrhea, extremely painful abdominal cramps, fevere, fatigue, and loss of appetite. The treatment includes corticosteroids, immune suppressants, and anti-inflammatory drugs all of which can have serious side effects and have high costs.

Rachelle needs to raise $3500 to meet her goal and participate and is in need of ANY donations that you can spare. Every dollar counts. Whatever she doesn't raise, she has to come up with on her own to participate and is asking for your help. Please help Rachelle achieve her goal of making and completing this 1/2 marathon and continuing on her path to remission.

Please visit this website and support Rachelle in anyway you can!

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